Thursday, August 12, 2021

This Week in Softball - The Old Ass Men Edition

Those who look like the Kung Fu Master, fans of the Ming Dynasty, men with gray hair, people that piss by trees or info smelly brick outhouses, guys who Schultz Throw, and guys named Jeff, Jeffro, and Otter Dick. 

Welcome to This Week in Softball - The Old Ass Men Edition!

—Damn it’s been too long. 

It was a man reunion of epic proportions. The Man of Bush and the Fellas FFL got together to celebrate the lives of our fallen friends, Tim Carney and Tom Skelly. It’s been a long time, Covid be damned, since we’ve all raised a beer together and laughed. Stories and glories of the past were shared and laughter was heard all night. Damn it was good to see all you fellas. Best people ever. 

—Coors Light

From the “What the Fuck Department”….Dugger was drinking his new preferred beer, Coors Light. Now remember, this mother fucker wouldn’t let any of us drink a non Bud product for 30 years without kicking our ass. Fight the good fight against those bastard Dugger. Long Live Miller and Coors! And Labatt for some of us. Just sayin’. 

Actual picture of Dugger rolling up with  Coors Light

 —Max Headroom got white hair

Our man Keith was sporting the all white hair. Max Headroom has hit retirement!

—Master Focker

Focker was all Chinese looking and damn if he didn’t have it working  Kung Fu Master Guy or Ming the Merciless.

—The Limp-Wristed Softball Throw

Proc and Jump took to the field to re-live past glory. One ground all to Jump and he went all limpmwtost and Schultz threw it to Proc at first. It reminded all of us of the limp wristed javelin thrower from Revenge of the Nerds 

—Jeffro - Grill Master

Jeffro…your name is Jeffro. Jump is Jeff but really just Jump. Get the damn names straight. Thanks for grilling.  It was awesome. 

Time to end the mini TWIS. Tough to type this on the phone! Great to see Blue Ticket, Face, Jump, Dugger, David, Mitchy, Keith, Focker and Jeffro! 

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