Thursday, August 12, 2021

This Week in Softball - The Old Ass Men Edition

Those who look like the Kung Fu Master, fans of the Ming Dynasty, men with gray hair, people that piss by trees or info smelly brick outhouses, guys who Schultz Throw, and guys named Jeff, Jeffro, and Otter Dick. 

Welcome to This Week in Softball - The Old Ass Men Edition!

—Damn it’s been too long. 

It was a man reunion of epic proportions. The Man of Bush and the Fellas FFL got together to celebrate the lives of our fallen friends, Tim Carney and Tom Skelly. It’s been a long time, Covid be damned, since we’ve all raised a beer together and laughed. Stories and glories of the past were shared and laughter was heard all night. Damn it was good to see all you fellas. Best people ever. 

—Coors Light

From the “What the Fuck Department”….Dugger was drinking his new preferred beer, Coors Light. Now remember, this mother fucker wouldn’t let any of us drink a non Bud product for 30 years without kicking our ass. Fight the good fight against those bastard Dugger. Long Live Miller and Coors! And Labatt for some of us. Just sayin’. 

Actual picture of Dugger rolling up with  Coors Light

 —Max Headroom got white hair

Our man Keith was sporting the all white hair. Max Headroom has hit retirement!

—Master Focker

Focker was all Chinese looking and damn if he didn’t have it working  Kung Fu Master Guy or Ming the Merciless.

—The Limp-Wristed Softball Throw

Proc and Jump took to the field to re-live past glory. One ground all to Jump and he went all limpmwtost and Schultz threw it to Proc at first. It reminded all of us of the limp wristed javelin thrower from Revenge of the Nerds 

—Jeffro - Grill Master

Jeffro…your name is Jeffro. Jump is Jeff but really just Jump. Get the damn names straight. Thanks for grilling.  It was awesome. 

Time to end the mini TWIS. Tough to type this on the phone! Great to see Blue Ticket, Face, Jump, Dugger, David, Mitchy, Keith, Focker and Jeffro! 

Thursday, August 13, 2015

Grilling bitches, Hundreds of soccer-playing children that look like ants, Old-ass softball players, Grilled meat enthusiasts, Ice Dancers and guys named Face, United Parcel Service and Scott Hamilton...

Welcome to a special, rare, limited-edition, "This Week in Softball"! - "The Ice Dancer Scott Hamilton Lives" Edition.


There was a special gathering of The Men of the Fella's FFL. The yearly, "Pick A Card At Crowley" event was held. This is the yearly fantasy football draft pick number selection show where teams with names like Dog Rockets and Mean Little Men, pick their super important FFL draft pick slot. The men met. Beers were cracked and gathering began around the same picnic table we've always gathered around. Year after year, this picnic table endures on so that this league and its members, know what number they will pick to get their favorite football players. This table has been marked for inclusion in the Henry Ford Museum upon the culmination of this league in the year 2030.   


The gathering was led by Commish Dave and Mitch.  The Little Fella expertly laid out who is in the top 12 of fantasy football picks. It was mesmorizing as none of us had a fucking clue who the good players are this year. Mitch needs his own weekly radio show or podcast on this shit.


While we have no photo evidence to back this up, well, we saw a dude playing first base that was Fat Albert. It was overheard that Fat Albert witnessed a bad drug deal back in 1981 and had to be put in witness protection. It's a certaintly that his fatness is now playing softball in Dearborn.  He was sporting the number 29, which we think has some secret, gang-related message attached to it.

Hey, hey, hey...I'm a gonna play me some softball y'all...


One of the softball teams playing had jerseys that looked like a blue version of the old, Houston Astro's "rainbow" jerseys. We here at TWIS, kind of liked these in a retro, fucked up way.


Back in the day, one of the Bushpilots all-time, arch-enemies, were those bastards from Howell's Bar. Those sunsabitches would beat us all the time.  We'd sneak in a win or two here or there, but probably lost 80% of the time to them. I was told by my old buddy Brian, from Howell's, that they now play for The Biergarden, but it appears no money was spent on shirts as they were all sporting Howell's gear.  This is how Howell's ended flames, as Coach Proc Emeritus, Dugger and Face watched from the parking lot...


Yes, you read that headline right. One of the most sinister, little eyed bastages to ever roam a softball diamond is still at it. Word is he is now 53 and has moved out of his mother's basement, but his hatred for The Bushpilots rages on!  He saw our crew but refused to acknowledge our presence nor our greatness.  Mitch stalked him and took various pics as you can see here. Also, we here at TWIS have dug up the old magazine cover of that fugger in his glory days when he really hated us.

Ice Dancer Scott Hamilton in action

Hamilton sneezes.  Mitch captures this.  A Pulitzer Prize photograph for sure.

Magazine cover from year's ago proving Ice Dancer Scott Hamilton hates us.


We'd like to also give a shout out to Mitch for being on the receving end of a compliment from his work-issued, Fit-Bit. It appears he walked 28,000 steps or some shit and had his watch thing say, "Hello Mr. Healthy".  Mitch knows fitness. 


We here at TWIS send out kudos to the dumb ass that hit the car while pulling out last night. Some drunk bastard hit it.  We all heard the "crunch".  Drunk son of a bitch he was.


And in other news, "The Glory Hole" of Crowley still exists and is available for peeing. 


Mitch sat down and took a leak.  A decade after the debacle that occurred here in the past. It has returned! Focker called CPE and left a very disturbed message that he and Dave tried to block Mitch so he could whiz between the cars, but when they turned, he was sitting down and peeing from his car.  Is this true?  If so, then all is right with the universe again.

In closing, it was a fun night and one that made us long to play softball again.  Well, maybe not play, but to get out and bullshit on the diamond and in the parking lot.

You all have a damn good day.

TWIS out!

-Coach PROC

Friday, July 8, 2011

This Week in Softball - The Match Game Edition!

Former UofM football players, those who put jalapenos in hamburgers, people that play softball in zebra-pattern camo uniforms, game show hosts and dudes named Dorian, Reesh and Otter...

Welcome to This Week in Softball - The Match Game Edition!

What a fun night last night, eh?  Perfect weather, great eats, tons of beers, picking our FFL draft order and Bean spoiling it all with a sick word (more on that later).


Rich's Jalapeno/Bacon/Cheese burgers on the Binford 9000 grill

The Bush Pilots and FFL-ers in attendance ate great last night.  A feast was grilled up by our man from The Food Network, Guy Fieri, and all was good.  Actually, Guy Fieri wasn't there, but word is he is the cousin of a sales dude at Mitch and "K"ramer's company and in actuality, it was Guy "K"ramer who did the cooking, and did it quite well, we might add.

Bratwurts, cheesy dogs/brats and Rich's jalapeno/bacon/cheese burgers were taken down by the hungry masses.  No one went hungry.

"K"ramer as Guy Fieri
Nice job by all bringing chow and thanks again to our man "K"ramer and his Binford 9000 Tailgate Grill, for bitchin' up the food for us.


Cards were drawn and this year's Fantasy Football draft lineup was established.  It is as follows:

11-Blue Ticket

Draft Day Sunday Sept. 4th!
During the mandatory Detroit Tigers discussion last night, the topic of Brandon Inge was brought up (as it always is).  Most hate the .198 hitting, third baseman, but those who like him (Dennis) tend to think of him in loving terms as if he were a puppy or teddy bear.  Its sad, this love of Ingie, but we here at TWIS digress.

TWIS dug game show host Gene Rayburn
back in the '70s.
Ryan Raburn admires himself as he
hits into another double play.
As we moved on from Inge, the topic changed to Ryan Raburn, the Tigers other, shitty hitting player.  Raburn is fast becoming "The New Inge" in the minds of many and is getting to a most-hated, status.  He did jack a home run last night leading the Tigers over the Royals.  Anyhow, The Raburn Saga prompted a few Bush Pilots to remark that Gene Rayburn (of The Match Game fame) would be a better Rayburn for the Tigers, despite him being dead for 11 years.   Rock on, Gene Rayburn.  We here at TWIS loved The Match Game whilst growing up in the 70s.  He rocked the long-ass, microphone and used to hit on that ugly chick, Bret Somers whle making fun of the homo, Charles Nelson Riley. 
Homo Charles Nelson Reilly

Ugly ass Match Game chick Bret Somers


We'd like to give a Bush Pilots should out/welcome to Dorian Taylor (he works at the same place as Mitchy/"K"ramer), who joined us in the festivities last night.  Dorian is a former UofM football player and a good dude.  Dorian, we thank you for the beer.  The team drank hard last night and that last case put many in the overserved category.  Reports are still coming in of hangovers. 
Dorian is in this picture.  Trust us.  GO BLUE!!!


This leads us to the conclusion of our evening.  Our man Bean, back in the saddle in the Fella's Fantasy Football League, was mulling over his team name.  You see, year's ago, Bean called his team, "Smegma", which was quite a grin for all -- except Mitchy.  You see, Mitchy had no idea what "smegma" was.  After consulting the internets and finding out that it was, well, simply put, "dick cheese", he became ill at the thought of Bean's name.

Fast-forward to last night and Bean announced he might name his team "Felch".  Now, Team Bush knows our smegma, but we don't know our felch.  Proc surfed the 'nets and sure enough, it is yet another sick term.  So sick, in fact, that we here at TWIS (and we nasty bastards in our own right), refuse to publish the dictionary meaning of this word.

However, we do suggest you click this link and find out for yourself:   FELCH

So people, keep enjoying the summer.  Yes, we miss softball (well, some of us do), but the two parties we've had have been a blast.  Maybe we might even have our once a year T.C. sighting before the summer is over.

Rock on.  Keep summer going...


Friday, June 3, 2011

This Week in Softball - The Grillin' at Crowley Edition

Old fuckers that can't play ball, European jumbo jets, brown people that roll cigars, people with shorts that don't fit, tough guy softball guys with rolling bat bags, Schultz-like softball guys who dress all in red, and those named David, Matthew and Thomas...

Welcome to This Week in Softball - The Grillin' at Crowley Edition!

Some of the Bush Pilots gettin' ready to grill and drink

Damn fine, looking men enjoing a 70-degree, cloudless night.

Well people. Were' back. Well, not really. We're not on the ball diamonds of Dearborn or Rotunda, but we did get our drink and eats on last night at Creepy Crowley Park.  Coach Proc was joined by Mitchy, Focker, David Lee, Dawg and "K"ramer.  Beer, burgers and dogs were consumed in accordance to Bush Pilot Law, meaning all were taken down in mass quanity.

We watched the games on the diamond from the parking lot  Much fun was made of a "softball guy" who had a perfect uniform and a bat bag with wheels.  We also made fun of a guy that did Schultz throws while wearing all red including, tall red socks.


It wasn't a party of biblical proportions or even as good as that from The Hangover 2, but it was a good time and you fuckers missed it.

And if you haven't seen The Hangover 2.  Do it.  Funny ass movie.  Not as good as the first one, but I think that is because you didn't know what to expect with the first one.  The second one is damn funny though.  Go see it.  Do it.  Now.


During our normal-type conversation last night, the topic of smegma we brought up.  Yes, that smegma.  You see, one of the fella's fantasy football teams carried that moniker for a season and it confused Mitchy, who at the time, had no idea what smegma was.

Some time down the road, Mitchy was informed that smegma was, well, dick cheese.

Mitchy hasn't been right since.


We are firmly convinced that Mitchy is like actor, Dustin Hoffman's character, "Rainman" for the movie with the same name.  You might remember the flick.  The dude who remembered bizarre, odd facts. Well, our man Mitchy remembers, seemingly, every score of all 836 Bush Pilots/BBoomers/Sports Haven softball games played .

To prove his point, he pulled out a ball from what had to be 1990 (or earlier) where we beat a team called the "Strokers", 11-10.

Mitchy the Rainman and his game ball from back in the day.

Apparently, for making a tremendous catch for the final out of the game, we were compelled to give him the game ball.

We'd like to salute Rainman ("Five minutes to Wopner!"), er, Mitchy on this momentous achievement and for providing Bush Pilot historical relics for display purposes.


"Fuck you lame, ass, mother fucking pussies!"  We here at TWIS believe this was directed at those Bush Pilots who did not attend last night's gathering.


Proc's nice ash

Coach Proc would like to thank Focker for the outstanding, Arturo Fuente Don Carlos cigar.  It kicked azz and kept a long ash. 

To compliment that fine ash, Focker paid kudos to the cigar roller by saying, "The little brown man did a good job rolling that!"


Focker brought some burgers and condiments.  Mitchy and Proc brought forth some dogs and buns and Dawg grilled 'em up.

Good eats.

Grillin' Focker burgers


Hangin' out since '75 or thereabouts...old bastages.

These two bastards have been friends now for 36+ years. Coach Proc remembers their teacher, Mrs. Borg tipping over David Lee's desk for being so messy back in the days of their 5th/6th grade split class. Good times.

Seriously, though.  How the hell can time go that fast???


This section needs no explanation....LOL


OK, ya bastages...check your mailbox in the next week or so for information on our next get-together/grill out and be there!  Y'all missed a good time last night.


Tuesday, August 17, 2010

This Week in Softball - The John Denver on Crack Edition (Season Finale)

Tiger Woods, those who eat mashed up chickpeas, people who grill with charcoal, those with man boobs, and people named Scotty, Ryan, Mohammed and Matthew...

Welcome to This Week in Softball - The John Denver on Crack Edition (Season Finale)!!!

The season is over.  Yes, over.  America's favorite misfit, piece of shit-playing softball team, The Bush Pilots, were mercifully (literally and figuratively) knocked out of the ghey "Jacket Tournament", 15-3, by the New Place Lounge last night.

Now, onto the highlights...


Coach Proc walked up to take the coin toss and was greeted by a New Place Lounger named Scotty.  Scotty was quite the spaz fucker and shook Coach Proc's hand and introduced himself.  He proceeded to let it be known that the New Place Lounge had finished their regular season with a 1-15 record.  While this made absoutely no impression on Coach Proc, the knowledge of their 1-15 record would later make all of Team Bush feel like shit.  Its one thing to lose to a shitty team, but to suffer yet another beatdown (15-3) to a team like that made it all the more inexcuseable.

What the fuck people?  15-3 to that team?  Man, we blow.


Many years ago, our man Dugger was at the New Place Lounge where upon leaving the bar in a drunken stupor, he was cold-cocked in the face by some dudes in the parking lot.  It was pointed out that this is the second time in his life that he has suffered a New Place Lounge beatdown.


As mentioned, the coach for the New Place, "Scotty", was a spaz.  And damn if the sumbitch didn't look like John Denver on crack, as pointed out by Dawg.  He looked like this...just sayin'...


Yes, we are referencing the most-cool song, "I'm On A Boat" again.  Why?  Because most of you bastards didn't watch the video.  Scroll down now to last week's TWIS (below) and watch the damn thing.  Its funny.


Midway through the game, Dusty ran out to replace Focker at second base.  He threw a ball to Coach Proc, who was running out to first base and said, "Hey Proc, warm me up!"

Coach Proc replied, "I don't think (after last week's performance) that its a good idea to throw you warm up throws."


As the game was starting, Dusty leaned over and said, "That is the naked ump from the shower!", referring, of course, to the ump Dusty has seen in previous weeks, showering in the Rotunda/Auschwitz bathroom.  Luckily for Dusty, this week, he did not see any naked ump action in the crapper.  Post-game, an exploratory field trip to the showers, showed portable water handles and evidence of water on the floor, which proved Dusty right that the umpire really has been showering in that shithole.

When it was questioned about the plumbing and its ability to provide water, Gaylord Focker piped up that his dad, a.k.a. Father Focker, is a plumber and that he knows plumbing.

"My dad is a plumber.  I know what I'm talking about."
- G. Focker


This should actually be titled, "Run Focker Run!".  In our last at-bat, Focker hit a ground ball to short and started to run.  Actually, he quit running.  Then when the throw sailed over the first basemen's head, he attempted to run again, only to bail out on running completely on what would've got him on base.  He never made it even half way down the line.  The ball was still rolling around freely as he walked back to the dugout.

Bad Focker!


Its been decided that T.C. really does sound like that guy who asks questions in the Geico Insurance commercials.  It was pointed out that the voice of the Geico gecko was recently fired.  Here is an actual photo from T.C.'s audition for the new spokesperson position.

Congrats T.C.!

TWIS Editor's Note:  We have actual audio of T.C. as the Geico man. Check back here as we will try to convert the cell phone audio/ring tone to a useable, web (.wav or .mp3 audio file).


During the game, T.C. dove for a ball and made a nice catch.  Actually, it was debated whether it was a graceful dive or a blow-up/fall-down like our man Mitchy usually does when catching a ball.  UPS Greg referred to T.C. as a gymnast and said T.C.'s moves reminded him on former Olympic Gold Medalist Nadia Comaneci.  Who knew T.C. was such a contortionist?

Later, while examining T.C.'s war wounds, Dugger proclamined that he could see Jesus in the wound.  If you look closely, you will see him too!

Speaking of Jesus, here is a song we here at TWIS like (watch it dammit!).  Personal Jesus by Depeche Mode...


Being as we were in East Dearborn, home to some marvelous Middle Eastern food, it was appropriate that UPS Greg's dad, Mohammed Swain (no, its not his real name), hooked us up with some tasty hummous.


And seeing we were in East Dearborn, home of Miss USA, this topic came up...


Has our man, Mike Schultz mentioned his crib in Florida is near Tiger Woods?  :-)

We hear they are BFF's.


We do not know why there was an old, abandoned couch on the Rotunda grounds, but there it was in all its glory.  Some of the kids posed for a picture.  We are all hoping they don't go to Michigan State (GO BLUE!) and become couch burners.

Too late, T.C. lit it on fire.

Damn you, T.C.!


Thanks to Coach Proc for brining the hot dogs and buns.  Thanks to Dawg for cookin' 'em up on the old-fashioned charcoal grill near the picnic pavillion.  Thanks to UPS Greg for buying the charcoal and some beer and thanks to Jump for going to the store for the charcoal and beer.

Good men, all of you.


Late into the night, while hanging in the picnic pavillion and a million beers in, Team Bush watch a 330 foot home run get jacked (or was it foul?).  The ball hit a dude in the head who was standing by the Rotunda shitter house.  It clunked him right on the melon.  You could hear the hollow sound.

Why is this worthy of brining up?

Because several members of Team Bush (T.C., UPS Greg and Focker) thought the ball hit a woman.  You know, a female.  A chick.

However, it hit what appeared to be a 57-year old white MAN who had white hair and shorts pulled up halfway to his tits.

One of the genius men on Team Bush said they thought the person in question had boobs.

Man boobs maybe.

Or, as Dawg said, "Moobs".

Fags, all of you.   That was a bad, incorrect, ghey call on that being a chick.


Some of you were wondering about donations, flowers, etc. for Bean's dad who passed away last week.  If interested, the family requests you send a donation to:

Gleaners Community Food Bank
In Memory of:  George McGlinnen
2131 Beaufait
Detroit, MI  48207


Well, we've come to the end of yet, another softball season.  For Coach Proc and a few others, this was season number 26 (with one year off).  Despite the horrific 2-14 record and the playoff beatdown by a shitty team, it was a fun year.  The start times worked out perfectly, and, of course, we have a great group of guys to hang out with.

So, with that said...Who is in for next year?   Coach Proc says, "YES!!!  Let's do this!"

Hell yeah we are playing next year.  Let's get a couple of young bucks (The Suite Life of Trev and Trav?) and put this together again!  Thursdays worked out great, but we do need a better turnout from you fuggers next year.  Some weeks it was tough getting 10 guys due to commitments.

Football season is upon us!  GO BLUE!  GO LIONS!  Many of the fellas on the team will be up at O'Kelley's KofC every other Wednesday during the football season (for fantasy football stuff), so come out and have a beer with us.  Coach Proc will send out notes to invite you.

And with that said, the 2010 Bush Pilots softball season comes to close.  Stay warm this fall and winter and we'll see you back on the diamond next spring!!!


Friday, August 13, 2010

This Week in Softball - The Outhouse Edition

Those who whiz in outhouses, Futabas, those who carry trophies, last place finishers, Chef Boyardee and those named Zachary, Tim and Wojo....

Welcome to This Week in Softball - The Outhouse Edition

Well America, the regular season has come to a conclusion for the Pilots of Bush.  Yet another defeat was laid upon this merry band of shitty softball players.  This time, it was a 22-3 drubbing by the radio-controller, servo-motor people from the Futaba Corporation.  Yes, you read that right.  22-3.  Fug, it was ugly.


After spotting the Futaba bastards a 16-0 lead, the Bush Pilots were successful in getting on the board when Dusty ripped a single to left to score Focker, who had made it to 3rd base on several, Bush Pilot-like throwing errors by Futaba.  It seemed like every Futaba dude batted 8 times each during the game.  Their old man pitcher, who chokes up on the bat like a teenager chokes up on his pecker, finished the season 19-for-20 against Dugger.  That old guy dropped 19 singles (on popups) just over our infielders head in 4 games this season.  He is Dugger's nemesis.


Gaylord Focker lost $5 in the parking lot pre-game as he bet UPS Greg's kid, Zachary, that the kid couldn't throw a hardball and hit the porta shitter.  The kid picked up the ball and nailed the crapper.  Focker paid up.  More on throwing baseballs at porta johns later...


We were remiss in last week's TWIS not mentioned Mitchy's catch line of the week last week, "That ain't no joke."  Well, it wasn't a joke that our man hurt his neck making his fall-down catch last week and had to miss the last game of the season.  Travel safe to Florida this week Mitchy and have fun.


Post-game, it was mentioned that Hose disappeared.  He was in his truck.  Why, this prompted Dawg to start singing and referring to the song/video of "I'm On A Boat" we do not know.

However, we here at TWIS dig, "I'm On A Boat".  Here's the video:


Kudos to Dusty for dropping a couple soft ones last night at second base.  Post-game he was still dumbfounded at his lack of defenseive prowess stating, "I didn't see any naked guys in the Auschwitz bathroom tonight, so nothing should've affected me."

Someone yelled out, "Way to hold 'em to one (base), Dusty!"

Its truly heartwarming to see teammates finding the positive out of the negative.


Futaba was spotted taking pictures with their trophy.  Coach Proc was overheard saying, "Look at those f***ers and their trophy."

Coach Proc knows sportsmanship.


Our man Face was sporting a most-excellent, "Culp University" shirt last night.  As you can see here, it was most stylish.  We hear the number one class taken by students at Culp University is "Debauchery 101".

If so, Face has a PhD in Debauchery.   You may all call him Professor Face or, Dr. Face.

However, we are more impressed with Face's acting skills in the movie, "Culp Fiction".  Here he is starring alongside, Samuel L. "Mother Fucker" Jackson. 


Great job again by "K"ramer on the grill.

Here he is bitchin' up hot dogs and burgers for the fellas with his most excellent, tailgate setup.

Later in the night, Dugger called "K"ramer, "Chefboyardee".


Dawg asked Coach Proc, "What's it like to get to third base?".  Coach Proc described it as "Wonderful, there is a breeze over there."  But to quote a great line from the movie, "American Pie",  ""It feels like warm apple pie..." .

Seeing as its rarity for any Bush Pilot to get to third base during a game and in real life as well, getting this far was like being in uncharted territory as a softball player or a teenager in the backseat of a car.


We here at TWIS are amazed at how much T.C. sounds like the guy in the Geico commercials that asks questions.

We even think T.C. looks like this dude.

Could it be T.C. in real life?  Is T.C. the "Geico Man"?


Our man, Mike Schultz has a fishy on his license plate.  A fuggin' shark fishy. 

Not bad.


Post-game, the Bush Pilots dined on fine food and imbibed in many beers.  Near the end of the evening, it was decided to take a bucket of hardballs out of UPS Greg's truck and see if anyone had a good enough arm to throw the baseball and hit the porta-john.  Many threw a dollar on the ground and took their best shot.  Round after round was held, until finally, UPS Greg hit the roof of the shitter.  Way to go UPS Greg!  For his reward, he collected $57 off the ground that the fellas had ponied up.  We are proud to report, UPS has paid the ump fees for Monday's playoff game and paid off his kid to ensure he doesn't tell Momma of his windfall.


The "jacket tournament" playoff game will be this Monday at 6:30pm on Field #4 against the New Place Lounge.  Be there!  Let's party on a Monday!


On a serious note...our good friend, Mike "Bean" McGlinnen, lost his dad last night.

Bean, thoughts and prayers go out to you, your dad and your family from your Bush Pilot family and all the fellas.  We all extend our deepest sympathies and are saddened by your loss.