Friday, June 25, 2010

This Week in Softball - The Bingo Long Traveling All-Stars Edition

Those who look like the Oakland Raiders, Nipsy Russell, former Boston Red Sox shortstops, Natty Lovers and guys named Brian, Neil, Joern and Mike...

Welcome to This Week in Softball - The Bingo Long Traveling All-Stars Edition

It was a brutal week for the Bush Pilots.  A doubleheader was played last night.  The men fought valiantly. No, we take that back.  The team sucked last night.

Onto the lowlights....


There were not one, but two, vicious beatdowns last night as Team Bush was crushed by both Futaba and Players, 12-1 and 14-5, respectively.  Many errors and of course, poor hitting contributed to these debacles. The only highlight was that we had Nipsy Russell the Ump back in the house for Game 1 against Futaba.

However,  despite the losses last night, we fuggin' ate better than anyone after the game.

So there.  Take that rest of the league.


The Bush Pilots Softball Club would like to welcome back, our man, Mike "Mr. Bean" McGlinnen to the team.  Bean has taken time out to get married and have two kids, and has now realized, with three woman in his house, he has an incredible need to escape.

When asked how it felt to be back on the diamond again, Bean replied quite simply, "It felt good."

Welcome back Bean!


Upon arrival at Rotunda Fields, Dusty decided he had better hit the head and relieve himself before taking the field.  As he made his way through the entrance to the Auschwitz bathroom, Dusty was horrified to see a naked man, towelling off after using the horrendous looking showers (see the post from last week's TWIS regarding how nasty the shower room is).  Dusty had not planned on seeing a naked man and was obviously traumatized.  This trauma carried over to the field and later to the parking lot.  Dusty has scheduled an hour of time with Dr. Frasier Crane today to discuss how he feels about this and how he now can't get the song, "It's Raining Men" out of his head.

We here at TWIS wish him well with his therapy.


Did we mention, we got our asses kicked, 12-1, by Futaba?  We here at TWIS like to say "Futaba".  It just sounds dirty.


Here is our man, Eleazar, a.k.a., "Big Country.  We here at TWIS congratulate him on his fine fashion sense.

Check out these shiny shorts he is sportin'.  It looks like something a super hero would wear.  We think a cape and mask would complete the look.


Who the fug is Bingo Long you ask?

Well, Bingo Long and his Traveling All-Stars was a movie made in the 70's, with Billy Dee (Colt 45) Williams.  It featured a Harlem Globetrotter-like, baseball team, that traveled the country putting on exhibitions.  Well, the team we played in the second game, the Players, were just like that.  They sang, danced, and chanted shit on their bench throughout the night.  We had to listen to that bullshit through two games.

The Playas could play some ball though and were nice dudes.

Stay tuned for the sequel, "Bean Short and his Stay-at-Home Bush Pilots".

This movie is being shot in Dearborn utilizing Michigan's film tax credit and will star the real Mr. Bean, Rowan Atkinson.


These gems were overheard muttered by various Bush Pilot personnel prior to our game with The Players....

"We don't stand a snowman's chance in hell."

"You've heard of the 'Miracle on Ice'?  We need 'Miracle on Field' to beat these guys.  We don't have (famous 1980 Olympic Hockey coach) Herb Brooks.  We've got Herb Semens."

"The over-under is 20 runs for them, 2 for us.  Who wants in on this action."


It was mentioned that The Players first baseman looked like former Piston, Rasheed Wallace.  He really did look like 'Sheed, didn't he?


Our man Dave was on the bench with Coach Proc and Proc's nephew Neil.  At one point he said, "Doesn't that dude over there (on The Players team) look like (former MLB player) Nomar Garciaparra?"

To which Coach Proc and Neil both said "Which one?"

Uh, yeah.  How about the ONLY one it could be?  Token Garciaparra.  Geez.

We here at TWIS can only shake our head at Coach Proc and Neil for their incredible oversight.


During the first game, Focker was overheard saying something about, "Dancing with the Bush Pilots".  We have no idea what the fug he was talking about, but look for a Bush Pilot team member to be on the hit TV show this fall.

We knew you could dance, Hose!


"K"ramer was like a super model last night, posing for pictures with his tri tip.  He was walkin' the Rotunda catwalk...

Mr. James Cramer, and incredible tri-tip prior to grilling.

Jimmy's pre-grill set up.

The marinade was fantastic.

Friggin' Yum.  We believe it was Dawg who said the tri tip was "Ridiculously good."  You da man, "K"ramer!


We'd like to thank Joern for taking pictures last night. 

Nice shot of some of the fellas here.

And here is one of Focker, contemplating life.


We' like to thank Mr. Gaylord Focker for bringing team beers last night.  Focker went all out and supplied the squad with Bush Lights and Natty Lights.  We thank you, sir. 

Also, thank you to Dugger too for bringing the Michelob Lights.  It was quite the Anheuser Busch Pilots product night.

While the Natty Light reminded us all of beer seltzer water, it was quite refreshing on a warm, summer night.


We have another doubleheader (6:30/7:40) next week.  Same fields as this week.  We need all hands on deck again.  We should have BigAl, Gladiator, Jeremy, etc., back out next week.  T.C, dude, are you alive?  Next week, let's get 15 guys on hand so we can rotate in and out over the two games and start the party early.  Coach Proc will be in Chicago Monday through Wednesday visiting the hallowed confines of Wrigley Field, but will be back for the game, however he most likely won't be sending out the pre-game email.

And....Bring $1 for the umps next week.  We have enough cash to pay for one more game only, so we'll need to bring ump money from here on out.  Seriously, we will have to collect a buck each week so bring it.  No excuses.   Put a $1 in your car's console today after you hit the drive thru, so you'll have it on hand.

Who is bringing something for the grill for next week...VOLUNTEER and email us to let us know!

Have a great week!


Friday, June 18, 2010

This Week in Softball - The European on My Car Edition

Tiger Woods, Mickey Mouse, Those who fart at will, People who indulge on sausage, Freesytle whizzers, and those named Schultz, Salazar and Yjorn...

Welcome to This Week in Softball - The European on My Car Edition

It was a beautiful night for softball.  Temps were in the low 80s, the sky was blue, babies were everywhere and the Bush Pilots lost.

Ah, normalcy.

Onto the game...


The Bush Pilots got out to an 8-1 lead over the Mustangs last night.  It appeared that Team Bush would finally get their second win of the season.  But no.  Some fielding gaffs and a complete lack of hitting after the 5th inning and the Pilots dropped one, 10-9, in extra innings last night.

However, our man Dugger struck out 3 (or was it 4) batters last night setting a career high.  Nolan Ryan Dugger was on fire.  Seriously, how can that many people strike out in SLOW PITCH softball?  You usually get one or two, but not 3 or more.


"I'm full of sausage and beer." - Dubya

He was full of shit too.  Literally.  Damn Dubya stunk.  He was on the bench farting to beat the band.  He laid out a cloud of stank so bad, it wafted past Coach Proc on the bench, who immediately had to fight the downwind stench and move.  Dubya deemed his gas as "evil".  This was a direct result of all the beer he drank and all the sausages he put down at the Tigers-Nationals game.  By the time Dubya hit Rotunda Fields, the sausages and beer had manifested themselves into the cloud of death.

We hear at TWIS suggest Beano before eating any gas causing foods.  Dubya, please take note of this.


Mitchy's lovely wife, Sandy, was on hand to watch us last night.  She was sporting a nice, red visor with "STL" on it.  Well, as we all know this is the logo of the St. Louis Cardinals.

When asked what  the logo stood for, Sandy replied, "San Lodge".

Alirghty then.

We here at TWIS will leave the meaning of the "T" in the logo to interpretation.


The University of Michigan -- GO BLUE! -- medical helicopter flew overhead last night.  This prompted us to realize that our man of medical, Hose, was not in the house.  Schmenge commented, "Was Hose called into duty on his way to the game?"

We don't believe he was called in, but would bet he was taking his wife out to dinner for their 4th anniversary.  Congrats to Mr. Hose (Jason) and Mrs. Hose (Amy).


The youngest Bush Pilot, Baby Schmenge made his was up to Rotunda last night.  Baby Reid is the man.  And, as you can see here, our man is sporting the logo of the Bush Pilots, which, coincidentally, was designed by his proud momma, Kimmie.

We here at Team Bush believe you are never too young to start your traning on being a Bush Pilot.

Stay tuned next week as Baby Schmenge pees on someone's car and picks up cans.

Damn if this picture isn't cute.  Makes us want to squish the little fella.


Years ago, our second baseman was Mike Schultz. He was part of a play that was to become the stuff of legends.  You see, Mike was playing second base.  There was a man on first and the ball was hit to the shortstop (either Dugger or Jump we believe), who then flipped it to Mike who stepped on the bag and turned to fire to Proc at first base.  At this point, Mike threw the ball, 95 miles an hour, STRAIGHT INTO THE BACK OF THE DUDE SLIDING INTO SECOND BASE.  As reported over the generations, this throw, would go on to known as, "The Schultz Throw."  It would become legendary.  Mythic almost.

And then, last night, out of nowhere, Mike showed up to the game (he lives here part-time and in Orlando, Florida near Tiger Woods and Mickey Mouse).  After the game, during post-game libations and sausage, he began to tell his version of the story.  He claimed he was going to complete the double play throw, but that Coach Proc was not on first base, so he tried to hold up the throw and ended up whipping it into the poor bastard's back, and subsequently emptying both benches.

Coach Proc laughed and said no way, he was ready for the throw and watched the entire play take place.  Dawg and Mitchy backed up Coach Proc's version and thus a new controversey has been born.  Its like the Kennedy  assassination thing.  Was there another shooter on the grassy knoll?  Was Coach Proc looking away and thus the cause of "The Schultz Throw"?

Fuck no.  Mike threw it like an ass wipe as anyone that was there will tell you.

Until a Bush Pilot, "Zapruder" film of this shows, up, we are sticking by the original version of the story.


Planning for retirement isn't easy.

You have to sock money away, meet up with financial advisors, decided on where to live and in general, plan for you future as a retiree.

That is why we here at TWIS recommend the Can Return Al Investment Plan.  In as little as two hours, you too, can train for a great, retirement career in can collecting returning.

Start your retirement career training today....

You'll learn things like:
  • How to professionally pick up cans.
  • How to just say "no" to bottles.
  • How to eat fresh spaghetti at The Ponderosa.
  • How to use "the claw" to pick up empties that are out of your reach or that you are too lazy to bend over for.
  • How to look stylish with your pants pulled up to your tits.
  • How to drive a banged up, gold Taurus and get the chicks.
This can be all yours for the price of a bag of empties when you sign up for the Can Return Al Investment Plan.

As you can see here, our man Mitchy has signed up and is learning at the hands of Yoda CRA.


For the second week in a row, Dubya didn't know one of his teammates.  Coach Proc was talking about Tom Skelly, to which Dubya said, "Who is Tom?".

Next week, would each of you take time out and introduce yoursleves and your real names to George "Dubya" Galay so he'll know who the fuck you are.

Thank you.


Coach Proc, Dawg and Schmenge walked to the restrooms last night.  While this isn't shocking, it should be noted that it wasn't quite dark enough to relieve onself outside, so the walk commenced.  After doing their duty, the three adventurers looked in the back of the restroom to see there were showers there.  You see, back in its heyday, Rotunda was THE place to be for softball, tournaments, etc., and like the rest of the Detroit area, it has fallen into disrepair.

Schmenge likened the shower room to Auschwitz. 

If you look at a picture of the real Auschwitz and Rotunda, its not that far off.

Man, what a creepy place.


Coach Proc would like to thank himself for bringing food --- again.  Alright people.  Time to step up.  Proc has brought chow three times.  Mitchy, Focker and Dubya have contributed to the other games.

Who is next? got enough venison to feed 15+ people?


People, you know you play softball on Thursday.  Put a cooler in your ride and make the 5-minute stop for a six or twelve pack and some ice on the way to the game.  Its pretty simple.  Party store will get you in and out quickly.


As this is being written, Team Germany is losing in the World Cup of soccer.  Do we really care?  No, but we hope for Team Bush's friend, Yjorn from Germany, that the Germans can prevail.  Go Deutschland!


Mitchy's daughter Holly was dressed all in black last night and reminded us of Johnny Cash.

Here, Coach Proc requests Holly play, "I Walk The Line".

Here is the real Man in Black performing "I Walk The Line"....


Why is it, UPS Greg looks like so many famous people?

Last night, Dugger's son Jordan, kept referring to him as TV sitcom star, Ray Ramano (of "Everybody Loves Raymond") and Dugger kept saying he looks like adult film star, Peter North.  We here at TWIS have always though he looked like Channel 4 weatherman, Chuck Gadica, but we may have to rethink this.

So who do you think UPS looks like?  The Peter North comparison is pretty damn close, isn't it?


Late last night, as Dawg, Coach Proc and Schmenge returned from the Auschwitz restroom, Drunk Focker decided he has to pee too.  But, this son bitch didn't walk to the can, no sir, he just opened up the door on Coach Proc's Fusion and started to whiz.  No mind, you he was whizzing on the ground, but an infuriated Coach Proc, gave him a Kung Fu kick to the ass which prompted some overspray that had to be cleaned up.

Next time you will walk to Auschwitz, Focker!


Next week we have a doubleheader.  Game 1 is at 6:30 at field #5 against Futaba.  Game #2 is right after that on Field #6 against the brother team, Players.


We need all hands on deck for these games.  T.C. and Bean will both be back in the house next week!

Have a great week everyone and don't piss on anything you shouldn't.


Friday, June 11, 2010

This Week in Softball - The Das Boot (The Boat for you non-German speakers) Edition

Those who grill on the run, people who make major purchases during a game, babies that cry, and guys named Astro, Sully and Jeremy....

Welcome to This Week in Softball - The Das Boot Edition

Hello all.

You non-German speakers (all of you), are probably wondering why we chose to call this edition of TWIS, "The Das Boot Edition".  Quite simply put, Das Boot means "The Boat" in English.

Let's sail into TWIS shall we?


Fourteen Bush Pilots were in the house last night!  Well, more like 11 and some ringers, but hey, we'll take it.  Participation is what its all about.  We believe Coach Proc's tongue lashing of you bastards last week turned the tide.  As for the game, the Bush Pilots dropped a tight one, 6-5, to our best friends and only team we seem to play, The Pterodactyls.  Team Pterodactyl scored six times in the second inning to put the game out of reach.  Now mind you, they never scored after that.

What caused this 6-run inning, thus leading to the demise of the Bush Pilots?

The Boat.

Yes, we blame this loss on The Boat.


Our man Dugger, whilst cruising downriver in the fine City of Wyandotte, Michigan, stumbled upon a great deal.  You see, there was a beautiful, 16-foot boat for sale.  It was like a beacon of light, beckoning our man to come to it.  After negotiating like a used car salesman, our man was able to score a $6000 boat for $2800.  A most-excellent score!


The transaction to pay for The Boat, was never finalized.  The seller agreed to meet with our man and take payment.  Dugger, being the shrewd man he is, convinced the seller to come to Rotunda Fields.  So, in the second inning, a strange dude was in the dugout.  No one knew him but our man Dugger, who said, "Proc, put in Big Country to pitch the second inning, I have to pay this guy for The Boat."

And, off to the parking lot they went.

Meanwhile, Big Country, was getting jacked around by the ump, whose strike zone was the size of a pea.  Several walks and hits later, the Pterodactyls had scored 6 runs.   All with two outs.  Yes.  With two outs.  How very Bush Pilot of us.

When his major purchase transaction  was over, Dugger, now the proud owner of The Boat, was greeted by Coach Proc who promptly told him, "Get your ass in the game!  Now!  Just get out to the mound!"

Dugger then relieved Big Country and got the final out, but by now, the damage had been done.  A furious Bush Pilots rally fell just short in the 7th inning.


This has nothing to do with our main ringer, Big Country, other than the fact, we here at TWIS have always liked this song by the band, Big Country....


Our ump, who sucked by the way, looked just like Captain Sully, the airplane pilot who landed that big plane on the Hudson River. 

Rock on Sully, but you can't ump worth a shit.


We'd like to thank Jeremy for coming out and playing last night.  Jeremy is a friend of The Gladiator, "K"ramer and Big Country.  The dude is a good softball player and as it turns out, a good dad too.  He young son cried the whole game, except for the final few innings when Jeremy left the dugout to hold him.  If any one would've told us here at TWIS, we would've had a boat seller and a baby in our dugout last night, we would not have believed them.  Stay tuned next week as clowns and hookers will join us on the bench.

Speaking of Jeremy, it reminds us of that tune by Pearl Jam.

Man, TWIS is going old skool MTV on your asses today...


Speaking of asses, a member of the Pterodactyls walked to the guardrail by Field #7, whipped down his shorts and whizzed, showing off a moonshot to all in the parking lot.

On his way to Urine Grove, in the spirit of revenge, Focker whipped down his pants and gave those Pterodactyls a whole lotta ass in return.

Focker is the man.


And we here at TWIS would like to say "Congrtulations" to Focker and his wife, Hilary, on the birth of Baby Maks.  Also, congrats to Bean and his lovely wife, Heidi, on the birth of Baby Girl Bean 2.  Bean, get thee to the park next week!

Also, thanks to Focker for the most awesome Arturo Fuente Don Carlos torpedo cigars...

...Also, Focker was the man for bringing the Steak of Hot Dogs, Hebrew Nationals!  And also a thank you to "K"ramer for his grillin' prowess.

WHO THE F*** IS __________?

After severals years of service with Team Bush, you think everyone would know everyone's names.  But, this is not the case.  Last night, Dubya had no idea who several team members were/are.

First off, someone mentioned former coach, now missing-in-action, Carney, to which Dubya said, "Who the fuck is Carney?"  (Dubya also didn't know who someone else was either, but we here at TWIS are tired and a bit hungover to remember who else's name he fugged up).

When told that Carney is actually T.C., Dubya grinned and say, "Oh yeah!"

It goes to show ya, that everyone is known by their nickname on this team.


If you see this man, please have him report to Rotunda Fields with his glove and a 12-pack.


As Team Bush began post-game libations, a hoopty van came rolling out of the back woods of Rotunda Fields.  This van was moving, but had smoke billowing out of it.  Turns out, the Playas, the brutha team, had begun their grill, literally, in the back parking lot and were now moving it to the front.  They were grillin' like madmen.  It smelled good too.


The King was in da house last night!

Not only were we in the presence of one superstar last night, but no, we had two, commercial superstars with us!

The "real" Burger King made an appearance at Club Rotunda and was joined by Hose, the Burger King Small Hands Guy.  We have never been in such esteemed company.  Word is Ronald McDonald and the ETrade Baby will be in the house next week.


A good work of art is like a beautiful expression of mankind.  These works of art, are an expression of the Bush Pilot kind.

We believe their merits speak for themselves.

Sick bastages.  All of ya.

These will soon be on display at the Lourve Museum in Paris.


Join us next week as we take on the Mustangs at 6:30 on Field #6.

In the meantime, finalize all your purchase transactions, go boating and watch MTV.

We expect another large group of Bush Pilots out next week!


Friday, June 4, 2010

This Week in Softball - The Where The Fug is Everyone Edition

Men who look like Jump, Tahini sauce lovers, those who like lemon in their beer, Jesus and those named Bill, Paula and Drew....

Welcome to This Week in Softball - The Where The Fug is Everyone Edition

Hello America.  We trust you are having a wonderful day.  Thank you for reading TWIS.  It is much appreciated.

Now, onto the highlights...


A perfect game?  We think not.
We were beaten like Joyce on Armando.  Beaten like snot.
A whipping of epic proportions was handed down.
But the Bush Pilot 9 would not get down.

Yes, only 9 took the field that day.
The grass in the outfield was cut and looked like hay.
Singles, doubles, triples fell all over the place.
But all of the Bush Pilot 9 played with grace.

For the fate of the Pilots was sealed that day.
Due to soccer and Little League and kids at play.
A ringer and Big Country helped out that night.
An injured Dawg could not help with the fight.

UPS and his appendix scar gallantly played.
As hits all over were perfectly sprayed.
A challenge to hit the outhouse in centerfield was heard,
But the Bush Pilot 9 hit like a collective nerd.

So mother fuckers, listen and listen well.
No more excuses, its time to jell.
Get your butts out to the park next week and no more sass,
or Coach Proc will go medieval all over your ass.


OK, the fine literary portion of this week's TWIS is now over.  Time for a beatdown of you people.  What the fu*k?  20+ of you on the roster and only 8 make it and of the 8, UPS just recovered from an appendix operation (and was man enough to play) and Dawg was still injured with a torn calf muscle.  No more babies, no more baseball, softball, babysitting, tiddlywinks or other bullshit.  Get to the park next week. Coach Proc isn't dickin' around no more.  You've all been put on probation.


The Bush Pilots went down by a final score of 17-5.  It really seemed much worse than this and the fact that we only lost by 12, was quite remarkable SEEING AS WE ONLY FIELDED NINE PLAYERS, but, we already said this, didn't we?  Our opponents, the men from Futaba, really weren't that good.  Actually they sucked, which made this beatdown even worse.  Coach Proc told the Futabers that next time the two teams meet up, the Bush Pilots will have a full squad and will beat the shit out of them.


Just what is a Futaba you ask? 

Its a company in Plymouth, MI, that makes radio controls.  We here are TWIS believe they are for radio controlled cars, airplanes, etc.


"Anybody got a band aid?"  - Dubya before the game started.  It appears he had a blister.  He should've asked Jesus to heal it for him.  More on that later.


Dubya had a buddy that showed up to watch the game.  As viewed from behind the fence, all thought it was our man Jump.  Coach Proc started to say, "Hey mutha fugga, you grew your goatee back!", but caught himself, when he realized the imposter (we believe his real name is Bill) was not actually Jump. 

David Lee befriended Jump the Second. We still believe Dave did not know this actually wasn't Jump.  So, no one tell Dave and ruin his good time.


Due to several thousand beatdowns and questions about his manliness, Hose has ditched his wife's blue Crocs and is now sporting Jesus sandals.

We here at TWIS are not going to pass judgment on this.  Afterall, sandals are fashionable and comfortable summer footwear.  We actually believe that are better than chick's Crocs.

Dubya suggested that Hose could walk on water.  It was not believed, until this picture was sent into TWIS.

For more on this fascinating subject, click here the link below:

Jesus Sandals, The History Behind the World's Only Christian Footwear


Dawg was wondering if Hose could heal himself.  Notice this wound on Hose's hand.  We have no idea if this is leprosy, ebola or just a simple, boo boo of some sort.  Now that we think about it, we are wondering just how and why the fug this picture was taken in the first place.

Also, it should be noted, no band aid was found to cover Dubya's blister.  However, the last we heard, it miraculously healed itself in the 3rd inning last night.


While this has nothing to do with softball, it should be noted that Coach Proc's nephew Tommy made lamb burgers with Tahini sauce last night.  We here at TWIS like the word "Tahini" and recommend you say it out loud right now.


Many in attendance last night were drinking Leinenkugel's Summer Shandy.  This beer contains lemonade and was deemed very refreshing by those drinking it.  Dugger the Bud Man was not in attendance or he would've been horrified.  We believe Dugger needs to bring some form of summer refreshment to next week's game in order to get people back on the Bud Train.

Also, bring beer next week people.  Everyone has been running out of beer far too early.  Maximize you coolers!


Thank you to Dubya and Coach Proc for brining hot dogs.   Thank you David Lee for grilling them.  It was a good thing Coach Proc grabbed his camping grill at the last minute.

Next week, someone needs to volunteer to bring dogs and buns.  Do we have a volunteer?


It apppears a team called the "Renegades" had to drop out of the league.  They have been replaced by a bunch of Ford Summer Interns and are now called, "Sons of Pitches".  No, we here at TWIS aren't making this shit up.  Anyhow, if you see Renegades on the schedule, it'll be the young interns we'll be playing.

So are we playing Sons of Pitches next week?  No, we get the Pterodactyls, yet again.  6:30 at Field #7.

We expect MANY of you to be in attendance.  You've all been warned.

Have a great week.